Welcome to pygame! Once you've got pygame installed (pip install pygame or pip3 install pygame for most people), the next question is how to get a game loop running. Pygame, unlike some other libraries, gives you full control of program execution. That freedom means it is easy to mess up in your initial steps.
pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games. pygame.org (the website) welcomes all Python game, art, music, sound, video and multimedia projects.
Pygame requires Python; if you don't already have it, you can download it from python.org. It's recommended to run the latest python version, because it's usually faster and has better features than the older ones.
2011年11月9日 · Get the version of pygame for your version of python. You may need to uninstall old versions of pygame first. NOTE : if you had pygame 1.7.1 installed already, please uninstall it first.
pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games. pygame.org (the website) welcomes all python game, art, music, sound, video and multimedia projects.
Text factory will allow you to have sliding, rotating, Zooming text effects in your games or any other visual effect program you intend to write with Python and Pygame. No other dependencies except Python and Pygame. The code is well explained within …
When you understand Python, you can use pygame to create a simple game in only one or two weeks. From there you'll need a surprising amount of time to add the polish to make that into a full presentable game.
2020年3月6日 · Full-featured game console based on pygame that can be integrated in your python game in order to execute python command/scripts/custom in-gamefunctions
The music module is closely tied to pygame.mixer pygame module for loading and playing sounds. Use the music module to control the playback of music in the sound mixer. The difference between the music playback and regular Sound playback is that the music is streamed, and never actually loaded all at once.