The campaign Independent Journalism for an Independent Life showed how what you read can inspire who you are. One film painted a portrait of a New York Times subscriber, Vera, through headlines, using ...
Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad began in 2015, reimagining Ariel’s role as a household supplies brand by asking—"Is laundry only a woman’s job? 2023 we shifted our focus to how consequences of not sharing the ...
Our film follows the track of the father-daughter relationship evolving over twelve years as they commute to work and school on the Sotetsu Line. The ever-changing father-daughter relationship is ...
"The Lost Stroke" is a type-led campaign campaign that incorporates activism through poetry—an interplay between creative type expression and the visual poignance of chinese poetry. The campaign ...
Attract 18-26-year-olds to Adobe by integrating the brand into their cultural interests, making it relevant to their creative passions. Revolutionize tutorials with engaging content and celebrity ...