Varoufakis reflects on Europe's precarious future as it approaches 2025 - the year DiEM25 warned would determine whether the EU would democratise or collapse ...
Allocate resources to areas hosting migrants to strengthen public services like housing, education, and healthcare. Promote local job creation through community-led cooperatives, benefiting both ...
Chipre está viviendo un momento crucial. Los planes del Presidente Nikos Christodoulides de alianza de Chipre con la OTAN amenazan tanto la soberanía de nuestra isla como la paz frágil de nuestra ...
Che cosa sta succedendo in Siria? Questa domanda può dar vita ad una molteplicità di risposte, a seconda del tifo politico e del paradigma di riferimento dell’analista di turno. Certo la situazione è ...
Η Κύπρος βρίσκεται σε μια κρίσιμη καμπή. Η πρόθεση του Προέδρου Νίκου Χριστοδουλίδη να ευθυγραμμίσει την Κύπρο με το ΝΑΤΟ απειλεί τόσο την κυριαρχία του νησιού μας όσο και την εύθραυστη ...
Kıbrıs kritik bir dönemeçten geçiyor. Başkan Nikos Christodoulides’in Kıbrıs’ı NATO ile hizalamak isteği, hem adamızın egemenliğini hem de bölgemizin kırılgan barışını tehdit ediyor. Emperyal ...
Cyprus is already deeply entangled in this imperialist machine. Sovereign military bases controlled by NATO-member Britain facilitate attacks on Palestine, while NATO forces from Greece, Turkey, and ...
For 13 years, Syria has been engulfed in unimaginable suffering, with its people enduring war, displacement, and oppression. The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s brutal regime – a symbol of systematic human ...