心脑血管疾病是全球范围内导致死亡的主要原因之一,共占全球死亡人数的21.6%(每年34万人)[1]。在西方社会,动脉粥样硬化和相关心血管疾病仍然是最常见的死亡和发病原因,超过10%的心血管死亡被认为是由吸烟引起的[2]。许多流行病学研究已经对吸烟与动 ...
The Wealth Partaking Scheme was initiated in 2008, to distribute cash to every resident holding Macao SAR permanent or ...
身在祖籍国的朋友如果有事需要电话联系澳洲福利部门,号码是有所不同的。欢迎点击收听。 圣诞节和新年假期临近,Services Australia 的公共服务部门,包括 Centrelink、Medicare 和 Child ...
This is a unique opportunity to connect with other animal lovers, contribute to the welfare of stray cats and dogs, and learn ...
Fuzhou Women's Federation has helped the women's social organizations establish a combined 120 women's groups this year. The groups have played roles in assisting people living in difficulty, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
近期,Anthropic聘请了“AI福利官”Kyle Fish。他需要专门思考如何提升AI的“幸福感”,确保AI在进化过程中能获得应有的尊重。 在入职Anthropic前,Fish与其他研究人员撰写了一篇题为Taking AI Welfare ...
The Harbin Committee of the Communist Youth League of China in Heilongjiang province has launched a "Youth Talent Community" for young people coming to Harbin to seek employment.
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Previsti 1.481 uscite al netto della pensione di vecchiaia 200 ricollocamenti. Siglate intese anche sull’assistenza sanitaria e sul fondo pensione, con l’aumento della contribuzione aziendale. Proroga ...
澳洲九号台新闻报道称,本周公布的最新研究结果显示,澳洲年轻人是全球肠癌发病率最高的群体。 这份由美国癌症协会发表在顶级医学刊物《柳叶刀》的研究结果显示,澳洲早发性肠癌的发病率排名全球第一,每年每10万澳人中就16.5人确诊肠癌。 排名二三位的则是美国 ...