Chinese firm EngineAI has introduced its next-generation lightweight, high-dynamic, open-source humanoid robotic platform.
South Korean researchers have developed a lightweight wearable robot that can walk up to paraplegic users and lock itself ...
South Korean researchers have developed a lightweight wearable robot that can walk up to paraplegic users and help them move.
The device, called WalkON Suit F1, is a powered exoskeleton that enables users to walk, navigate obstacles, and climb stairs.
Kim Seung-hwan, a paraplegic and member of the KAIST team, demonstrated the prototype, which allowed him to walk at a speed ...
A team of South Korean researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has unveiled a ...
The researchers are from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's (KAIST) Exoskeleton Lab. Kim Seung-hwan, a team member who uses a wheelchair himself, demonstrated ...
Kim Seung-hwan, paraplegic and member of the Exoskeleton Laboratory team at KAIST, demonstrates the prototype of exoskeleton ...
A South Korean team at KAIST has developed the WalkON Suit F1, a robotic exoskeleton designed to help paraplegic users walk.