For locals in Shanghai, the New Year's Day climb at the iconic Oriental Pearl Tower is more than just a race – it's a ...
新华社武汉12月26日电 (记者李思远、张阳)交通运输部长江航务管理局26日发布消息,长江干线2024年港口货物吞吐量预计达到40.2亿吨,首次突破40亿吨大关。 “同比增长3.9%,再次稳居世界内河第一位。”长江航务管理局副局长桓兆平介绍,40亿吨的货物吞吐量,相当于20条浩吉铁路的设计年运量。
China's Ministry of Finance unveiled plans to implement a more proactive fiscal policy in 2025, including increasing the fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio and issuing larger-scale government bonds, as ...
At least 10 people, including children, were killed in a stampede during a relief item distribution at a local church in the ...
《中国日报》记者:据报道,美国防部日前宣布将1名囚犯从关塔那摩监狱遣返,目前仍有29名被拘留者在押关塔那摩监狱。外界评称,近年来,美国历届政府曾多次承诺关闭关塔那摩监狱,但时至今日仍未兑现承诺。尽管古巴政府曾多次抗议,美国仍非法占领关塔那摩部分领土超 ...
根据提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件显示,Local Bounti Corporation (NYSE:LOCL)的总裁兼首席财务官Kathleen Valiasek最近购买了公司股票。根据 InvestingPro ...
Local Bounti Corporation (NYSE:LOCL)的首席执行官Craig M. Hurlbert最近通过购买额外股份增加了他在公司的所有权。这次内部人士买入发生在该股票显示出显著动能之际,过去一周股价上涨了37.5%,尽管 InvestingPro ...
MACAO, Dec. 20 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday hailed the enormous transformation that has taken place in Macao since its return to the motherland in 1999.