Demand for Big Data services is increasing. Palantir, a leader in the field, should benefit. Here are the forecasts and price ...
深圳市拓普泰克技术股份有限公司于12月30日在北交所更新上市申请审核动态,该公司IPO申请已受理。 同壁财经了解到,公司主要从事智能控制器及智能产品的研发、生产和销售,产品广泛应用于消费电子、电动工具、工业自动化、汽车电子和新能源等领域。
ST八菱(002592)近日披露,公司董事会审议通过议案,同意公司以黄某定、陆某青夫妇及广西国汉投资有限公司(下称“广西国汉”)为被告,广西华纳新材料股份有限公司(下称“广西华纳”)为第三人提起诉讼;请求人民法院撤销公司转让广西华纳股权相关协议。证券时报·e公司记者注意到,上述案件源于广西华纳4年前的一笔股权转 ...
India’s food delivery major Zomato ranks second, with a market capitalisation of €27.32 billion. The Gurgaon-headquartered ...
INR:4508. punjab lottery result today live 6pm Zhong Shanshan, the actual controller of Wantai Biological, once topped the ...
Indian startups cumulatively netted more than $12 Bn in fresh funds during the year, up over 20% from the $10 Bn raised last ...
面对质疑,12月19日,相宜本草火速发声明回应称是前员工恶意举报,公司一贯遵守法规,产品均经严格检测后上市。但声明发布后不到两小时即被删除。12月20日,针对被曝添加“有毒”原料,相宜本草再次发布声明,表示其所有产品均符合国家标准,未添加任何禁用或有 ...
One of those stocks was the Chinese EV maker Nio (NYSE: NIO), which saw its stock soar tenfold from its IPO price of $6.26 in ...
It’s been nearly five years since the coronavirus broke out in the U.S., but digital health companies are still reeling.