演员李敏贞公开了自己大儿子神采奕奕的背影,吸引了人们的热议。李敏贞25日通过自己的SNS表示:"很可靠。 圣诞快乐",并公开了儿子俊厚(音)的照片。公开的照片中俊厚望着窗外。
歌手金素妍以多彩的舞台填满了圣诞节。金素妍出演了25日播出的TV CHOSUN《Miss 3 Lang》,与赵恒祖、尹熙贞、郑俊浩、金章勋一起策划了《圣诞节的奇迹》特辑。当天,金素妍在第6轮比赛中与正瑟组成一组,与金章勋展开了对决。
BEIJING, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a decision to take countermeasures against certain Canadian institutions and personnel. The decision was issued on Dec. 21, 2024 as a ...
近期,微软发布的Windows 11十二月更新(包括KB5048667和KB5048685)引发了用户的大规模反馈,尤其集中在开始菜单失灵和游戏性能下降等问题上。这些问题不仅影响了用户的日常使用体验,还引起了对于微软更新策略的普遍质疑。
近日,Business and Human Rights Resource Centre(商业与人权资源中心)发布了一份报告,指出包括 Ralph Lauren、Coach 和 Gucci 在内的 36 个 品牌 涉嫌侵犯人权。这份报告详细记录了从 ...
ANKARA/BEIRUT, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- Türkiye and Lebanon have agreed to work together on Syrian issues following the downfall of Bashar al-Assad, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday ...
近日,部分Windows 11 24H2用户纷纷反映,微软于12月发布的累积更新KB5048667存在严重问题,安装失败和系统蓝屏等现象频繁出现。这一情况引发了广泛关注,许多用户在社交媒体上分享了自己的遭遇,引发了对更新质量和用户体验的广泛讨论。
US President Joe Biden on Thursday pardoned 39 people and commuted the sentences of nearly 1,500, setting a single-day record ...
China's first jumbo jet is expected to make its maiden flight in 2014 and get the Certificate of Airworthiness in 2016, said a senior executive from AVIC.