The popular TV show CID returns after a six-year hiatus, bringing back the original cast, including Dayanand Shetty, who plays Daya. Shetty emphasizes the strong bond among the cast members.
All of this news hasn't been so encouraging for Dominic Lee, who is a CID regular. "I should say maybe twice a week?" Lee said when asked how often he finds himself down at CID. "A lot of times I ...
he questioned. Shenoy has seen saturation patrols of police work in other areas of downtown be successful, so he wishes for something similar to come to the CID. As Tammy Morales, who represented ...
The Crime Branch CID (CB-CID) Police has arrested a key suspect who was allegedly part of a gang that sent job aspirants to Laos and forced scamming jobs. He was nabbed when he was about to leave ...
CID went off air in 2018 after a successful run for 20 years on Sony TV, making it one of the longest-running shows in India. The new season will premiere on December 21. (Photo Credits: Instagram) ...