On Thursday, the benchmark Sensex closed almost flat with a slight negative bias at 78,472. Despite the lacklustre performance, five stocks from the BSE 500 index reached their 52-week highs. A ...
Edelweiss Mutual Funds CEO Radhika Gupta said that startup life has been painted in rosy colours on social media but they often skip on the challenges such as 'painful execution, limited budgets, and ...
Indian equity trading has been volatile with a negative bias for quite some time. Over the last 10 trading sessions, the benchmark index, Sensex, has lost more than 3,000 points. From its 52-week high ...
But for consumers, governments and other implementers, there is still a lingering ‘elephant in the room’ that continues to disrupt adoption: bias. Should we worry about bias in biometrics? FIDO ...
Demand-driven bias happens when newspapers offer slanted news to appeal to readers ... which means bias is bad for business. The recent waves of consolidation in the media industry, coupled ...
The paper, many aspirants have alleged, was aimed at tarnishing the previous BRS government and more perplexingly, focus more on former Andhra Pradesh Chief Ministers NT Rama Rao and N Chandrababu ...