Results of several large and fully recruited Phase III trials with vaccines such as MAGE-A3, L-BLP25 and belagenpumatucel are now awaited. Finally, we distinguished two large groups of ...
For L-BLP25, the Phase III START study ended recruitment with approximately 1500 patients in the summer of 2011. A press release on the latter study reported that the primary end point of overall ...
Emepepimut-S(L-BLP25)是另一种针对MUC1的已开发肽疫苗。然而,在非小细胞肺癌患者的3期研究中,观察到OS没有显著差异。 ETBX-061是一种靶向MUC1蛋白的治疗性腺病毒疫苗。考虑到实体瘤的异质性,ETBX-061已在临床试验中与其他疫苗或治疗药物进行联合研究。在一项 ...