A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect.
An attack aimed at bypassing two-factor authentication cookies for Google Chrome users has been confirmed—here’s what you ...
New details have emerged about a phishing campaign targeting Chrome browser extension developers that led to the compromise ...
A package that allows secure communication between two or more projects, focused mainly for use in microservices architectures, adding the Oauth2 authorization standard in addition to security at the ...
点击箭头处“蓝色字”,关注我们哦!!OAuth2 是现代 授权协议的核心,广泛应用于 Web 服务中。作为一个 Java 开发者,掌握 OAuth2 的实现至关重要!这篇文章将带你了解 OAuth2 的基础知识,并通过详细的代码讲解,帮助你轻松掌握它 ...
A Washington, D.C. restaurant fired a server after she told the media she would likely refuse service to certain Trump ...
Synology has closed a security gap in the Media Server that was classified as high risk with updated versions.
An Indianapolis-based dental practice has agreed to pay $350,000 and to shore up its data protection and patient privacy practices following a state investigation into a ransomware attack and ...
Insurers are increasingly requiring patients and physicians to undergo extensive precertification or prior authorization processes for diagnostic and surgical procedures. This adds layers of ...
The world first became aware of Covid-19 five years ago. We evaluate where we are, remember how we got here, and consider ...
Forget passwords. If you want strong online security, you need to be using multi-factor authentication wherever you can. Here's how to get started. I've been writing about computers, the internet ...