Not only does Nicole Big Sorrel Horse’s compassion and love for Indigenous Nations and communities shine through her work, it ...
Those with dementia need special consideration during the holidays. Read our tips and advice to make the holidays enjoyable for everyone. Loreen’s ability to keep calm under pressure, paired with her ...
If you are experiencing severe mental health and/or substance use concerns our community-based Intensive Case Management Teams can help.
Home Oxygen Program provides home oxygen assessments and subsidy for eligible residents in the BC interior (by Physician referral).
A Cardiac Rehabilitation Program can help you to get better after a heart attack, heart surgery or other heart conditions. These programs focus on helping you learn about and achieve a heart healthy ...
Substance Use Outreach Services involve street-outreach and outreach within facilities through text, telephone & face-to-face contact.
Hearing Services provides services for children and teenagers.
Community respiratory therapists work with clients in their homes, at health centers and at doctor's offices to provide clinical support and self-management coaching to people with cardio respiratory ...
Spiritual care is available for all individuals and their families accessing services from Interior Health regardless of their religious affiliations.
Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is a nuclear medicine procedure that uses special radiotracers (or imaging agents) to trace how fast they are taken up by the heart muscle.
Assisting adults with developmental disabilities and their caregivers who need support with oral health concerns.