Stuttgart, Germany – Bosch is selling its Building Technologies division’s product business for security and communications technology to the European investment firm Triton. The transaction ...
Stuttgart – Bosch and the Dutch map and traffic information provider TomTom have achieved a breakthrough in the development of high-resolution maps for automated driving. The supplier of technology ...
Renningen, Germany – The management of the Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering of Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch Research) will have a new setup as of January 1, 2025: Dr. Udo-Martin Gómez ...
Mit dem Bosch Vorsorge Plan bietet Bosch seinen Mitarbeitenden eine attraktive Altersversorgung über eines der modernsten Versorgungssysteme in Deutschland. Zusätzlich sind die Mitarbeitenden und ...
Ganz bequem das Fahrrad oder das Outdoor-Equipment unterwegs reinigen, bevor man es ins Auto lädt: Mit dem Fontus 18V-6 Bike Cleaner, dem neuen Akku-Niedrigdruckreiniger von Bosch, ist das ganz ...
Die Idee hinter der Entwicklungskooperation von Bosch und Daimler: Das Fahrzeug kommt zum Fahrer, nicht der Fahrer zum Fahrzeug. Innerhalb eines festgelegten Stadtgebiets können sich Nutzer per ...
Stuttgart – Kaum jemand denkt an ihn, er ist aber wesentlich für die Fahrsicherheit: der Reifen. Druckverluste im Reifen oder gelockerte Räder können zu Fahrausfällen und gefährlichen ...
With the Bosch Vorsorge Plan, Bosch offers its associates an attractive retirement benefit based on one of the most modern retirement schemes in Germany. In addition, associates and their families are ...
Shanghai – In order to get automated driving off the ground in China, a promising concept is still needed for how to generate high-precision, up-to-the-minute maps. Bosch wants to change this and has ...
Stoccarda, Germania – Non tutti ci pensano, ma gli pneumatici sono essenziali per la sicurezza stradale. La perdita di pressione degli pneumatici o l’allentamento delle ruote possono causare guasti e ...
The Bosch Pensionsfonds was awarded three times at the conference of the European press service "Investment and Pensions Europe" (IPE) on Tuesday evening. He convinced as the best German pension fund, ...
Bosch has a long tradition of occupational pensions. At the end of the 1920s, company founder Robert Bosch was one of the first entrepreneurs to introduce a pension scheme for his associates. Given ...