Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Friday said Indian music teaches synergy, harmony and discipline. Bhagwat was speaking at the ‘Swar Shatak Malwa’ programme in Indore city where 870 ...
For artists, inspiration can come from anywhere. When Pen Pal, a two-member Indo-French duo, comprising musicians Sharad Joshi from Delhi and Louise Calzada fro ...
"A person who wields the lathi develops ’veer vritthi’ (sense of bravery) and he is not afraid. The lathi training teaches steadfastness in crises and inspires one to walk on the path with resolve, ...
Uttarayan is a vibrant festival celebrated in Gujarat with kite flying, music, and delicious food. Here are some traditional Gujarati dishes you must try during this festival.
Members of Indian tribes nationwide will descend on Temecula this weekend to celebrate Native American culture during the Pechanga Powwow, featuring traditional ceremonies, food, competitions and ...
Krishna’s efforts in helping people like Kali come up in these art forms is one of the reasons he is facing backlash, Kali says. For Krishna, this has more or less become a way of life: speaking out, ...