Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
The pipeline's China section begins in Heihe, a city in the country's northeast bordering Russia, and transports natural gas from Siberia all the way south to Shanghai, China's economic and financial ...
2020年,在俄罗斯东北角的萨哈(雅库特)自治共和国,考古团队意外发掘出一具保存完好的锯齿虎幼崽木乃伊标本(DMF AS RS, no. Met-20-1)。 锯齿虎冰冻尸体年龄约为三周大,拥有短而厚、柔软的深棕色皮毛,毛发长约20-30毫米。后背和脖子上的毛比腿上的长 ...