RUSSIA AFFAIRS - In a rare interview with Western media since the start of the current war in Ukraine, Mikhail Piotrovsky ...
Among the notable figures who died in a sometimes polarizing 2024, many championed justice, equal rights and political ...
What should the national budget be like to realize a society in which people can live with peace of mind? The government ...
Discover Uncus dzaugisi, a 555-million-year-old worm-like fossil, offering the first Precambrian evidence of Ecdysozoa ...
北京时间12月13日,美国《科学》杂志网站公布了2024年度十大科学突破评选结果,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所朱茂炎团队发现的迄今最古老多细胞真核生物化石成果入选。真核生物的多细胞化是生命向复杂化和大型化演化的必备条件,被认为是生命演化史上的重大关 ...