Set in a future where humanity has colonized space and sentient robots live side-by-side with their creators as a caste of servants, Jérémie Périn’s sci-fi thriller is a gorgeous and fully ...
In this case, Fox’s android character is called Alice, and she’s a domestic AI robot designed to make life ... but it proved to be very influential on other sci-fi and genre movies that ...
In this month’s sci-fi picks, time loops, zombie apocalypses and robot/dog friendships. By Elisabeth Vincentelli Stream it on Netflix. What if a zombie apocalypse wasn’t even the scariest ...
Hollywood's weirdest upcoming movies. With the endless amount of storytelling possibilities that the science-fiction genre can provide, it is no wonder there are so many new sci-fi movies to see ...
the importance of accurate science can play a bigger or smaller role in the crafting of a sci-fi story. All-time great sci-fi shows like Star Trek and Stargate SG-1 put immense effort into trying ...
There may not be another filmmaker working today who has shaped the science fiction genre in the same ... captivating performance by Jude Law as the robot known as “Gigolo Joe.” ...
Chinese law enforcement agencies have been reported to have initiated tests of an autonomous spherical robot. The spherical robocop in use is named RT-G, developed by home-grown robotics company ...
The first thing one notices, looking at the sci-fi movie genre as it exists on HBO ... There are alien classics here, and sentient robots, and plenty of action and horror crossovers as well.