HEFEI, Dec 26 (China Economic Net) - The International Molecular Pathology Training Program hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China concluded at Anhui Medical University on Dec 24.
点击蓝字 关注我们很多人认为,不吃晚饭有助于减重,这对那些不爱运动的人来说,简直是至理名言,于是大家纷纷效仿。但不吃晚饭真的能减重吗?研究结果证明不吃晚饭不可取Science & ...
Chinese scientist Zhu Yongguan has been elected vice president for membership of the International Science Council (ISC), ...
ZHENGZHOU, Dec 21 (China Economic Net) - Chinese and Pakistani academic achievements in resistant rootstocks for economic forests and grafted and fodder plants were exchanged at the just finished 4th ...
Ho also highlighted Macao’s success in diversifying its economy, particularly in the fields of education, tourism, and ...
Pudong is ramping up its innovation ambitions as it starts construction on 10 major science and technology projects and 40 ...