A regex used to ignore placeholders or other fragments of the query that'd make it invalid SQL query, e.g. If you are using ? placeholders in your queries, you must ignore \? pattern as otherwise the ...
Suilder is a SQL query builder for .NET. It is focused on the use of alias objects to reference tables and column names, there are different types of alias, that can use strings or lambda expressions, ...
Based on the expertise of Intelligent Converters specialists gained from a variety of migration projects, this whitepaper ...
近日,业界广泛传出台积电将于美国亚利桑那州凤凰城兴建晶圆厂,预计在2024年上半年生产5纳米制程产品,相关建厂计划已在紧锣密鼓推动中。据我国台湾地区《经济日报》12月26日报道,台积电美国亚利桑那州子公司一把手人选成为业内关注的焦点,外界猜测有三种可能。 目前外界猜测有三种可能,甚至初期不排除由台积电董事长刘德音直接兼任,等营运上轨道,再 ...