Ukrainian forces have launched large all-robot, combined-armed drone force against entrenched Russian forces on the border.
At the beginning of December, the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine Khartiia conducted its first fully robotic ...
Ukrainians are raising the alarm that the lack of soldiers on some sections of the front has reached a critical level. Robots ...
DRAMATIC footage has emerged of the world’s first all-robot battle force as Ukrainian bots assault a Russian trench. Kyiv ...
In this way, robots are used. Equipment simultaneously on a small section of the front," added ... This means that there could be as many as 8,000 Russian soldiers facing off against clearly ...
In this way, robots are used. Equipment simultaneously ... This means that there could be as many as 8,000 Russian soldiers facing off against clearly outnumbered Ukrainian defenders.
Severely injured Ukrainian soldiers will soon be the recipients of wearable Hybrid Assistive Limb [HAL] robot suits developed by Japanese company Cyberdyne Inc. The suits are being donated as part of ...
A Japanese robotics company is set to supply several of its wearable robotic suits to Ukrainian soldiers severely injured in the Russia-Ukraine war to help them regain muscular function.
Panama's president, Jose Raul Mulino, denied on Thursday (December 26) that there are Chinese soldiers in the canal that ...
If most robots still need remote human operators to be safe and effective, why should we welcome them into our homes?