Suresh, during an interview, was asked to choose her favourite food between several options. In the viral video, the actor rejected idli, puttu, and biryani and chose dosa, serving an Internet moment.
The song has become a massive hit, earning close to 13 million views on Instagram. In the interview, Keerthy was asked about her favourite food. While rejecting options like idli, biryani and puttu, ...
If you're a Malayali, you're most likely a fan of the crumbly yet sturdy divinity that's served for breakfast in Kerala, the puttu. But if you're a diasporic Malayali who forgot the puttu maker in ...
Puttu which is incredibly easy to prepare is one of the healthiest breakfast dishes in the world. However, many find it quite strenuous to fill in the 'puttu kutti' (cylindrical steamer) with all the ...