In Wyoming, moose worry about wolves and grizzlies. In coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, moose have to look out to keep from being eaten by killer whales. In Wyoming, moose enjoy ...
They hunt in packs and eat anything, from fish to sharks. Recently, Orcas were spotted hunting whale sharks in a pod. According to SWNS, researchers have found that Orcas have gained special ...
Orcas, or killer whales, also adopted a bizarre behavior during this time that could only be described as a fad—balancing dead salmon on their heads like aquatic hats. Just as quickly as this ...
The Center for Whale Research has named the newborn killer whale female J61 Dave Ellifrit/Center for Whale Research Tahlequah, the killer whale who carried her dead calf and swam with him for 17 ...
Killer whales are expanding their territory and have moved into Arctic waters as climate change melts sea ice, with two genetically distinct populations being identified by Canadian scientists. But ...
The bereaved whale mother who made headlines when she heartbreakingly grieved her dead baby for more than two weeks has given birth to a new calf, scientists said. The mama orca, named J35 by ...
Her apparent 1,000-mile tour of grief threw a spotlight on the plight of the southern resident killer whales, endangered by pollution, ship noise, and a lack of salmon to eat. RELATED: Mama orca ...
Researchers out of Monterey, Ca., on Thursday enjoyed a rare encounter with mysterious killer whales known to travel in massive pods and prey on deepwater sharks. “There were fins everywhere we ...
MONTEREY, Calif. - In a stunning sight in Monterey Bay, killer whales were spotted off the coast on Friday. Caught on camera, the captain of Sanctuary Cruises in Moss Landing shared video with ...
Killer whales are expanding their territory and have moved into Arctic waters as climate change melts sea ice, with two genetically distinct populations being identified by Canadian scientists.