The iconic monarch butterfly, known for its striking orange and black coloration, migratory patterns, and love of milkweed, ...
Right now, Congress has a chance to fund similar programs in Florida and beyond through the Monarch and Pollinator Highway ...
It won’t change the world, but it may just be enough to prevent another bee, hoverfly or butterfly species from disappearing ...
F ew species are as much of a joy to spot outdoors as the monarch butterfly. The beautiful migratory insects are beloved for ...
It’s hard to imagine a more vigorous advocate for the endangered monarch butterfly than Rick Mikula. Known around Hazleton as ...
Steve Huxley took this photo in the Valley of what appears to be a somewhat weathered Callippe Fritillary (Speyeria callippe) ...
BENGALURU: Butterflies are no longer just a childhood fascination--they’ve captured the hearts of adults too. To restore ...
U.S. wildlife regulators want to extend federal protections to monarch butterflies. Public comments on the plan will be taken ...
Monarch butterflies would be protected as a federally threatened species under a proposal announced this month by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).
Collins has 1.2 million butterflies from across Africa delicately pinned in frames and stored in rows of shelves, with ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans to add the monarch butterfly to the threatened species list by the end of next year.
Vaughan has this advice for people who want to help monarchs survive: Avoid insecticides and pesticides, which can harm ...