Dan Da Dan is the most imaginative anime adaptation of the year. The art direction and animation are visually striking, and its zany premise won’t even give fans a chance to be bored.
Anime translates to pretty much any speaking language, and, thanks to insane art styles and a series of ... This has intrigued many fans who have been dreaming of going to Japan to experience ...
A piece of fan art showcases mech forms for the Bulbasaur line, highlighting the Pokemon community's creativity. Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur, then Venusaur, learning powerful moves like Power Whip.
Studio Pierrot has shared a new gift with fans. By visiting the anime’s official website, you can download a wallpaper that sees one of the Shinigami’s greatest villains getting into the ...
Chris Wedel is a fan of all things tech and gadgets. Living in rural Kansas with his wife and two young boys makes finding ways to stay online tricky — not to mention making my homestead smarter.
Suchitra Mattai uses vintage saris and vivid found materials to weave exquisite tapestries that challenge fixed histories about art and migration. By Kriston Capps Aso O. Tavitian grew up poor ...