The story centers on Dre Parker, a 12-year-old boy who moves to China with his mother and struggles with the new environment and local bullies. To defend himself, Dre is introduced to martial arts by ...
Michiko Nishiwaki’s career spans bodybuilding, martial arts, and action cinema. Born on November 21, 1957, in Japan, she has challenged norms and inspired ...
With her action movies, she was a key figure in the martial arts boom era of filmmaking. In the early 1980s, Michiko Nishiwaki became Japan’s first female bodybuilding champion. She held the ...
During the Japanese invasion of China, a wealthy martial artist is forced to leave his home when his city is occupied. With little means of providing for themselves, Ip Man and the remaining members ...
You will be redirected to our submission process. The "martial arts" - more broadly conceived as "martial activities" - have existed in nearly all societies and cultures around the world, and are ...