The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is a video game and sequel to the animated film The Incredibles. It features Mr. Incredible and Frozone fighting the Underminer's legion of robot minions. The ...
Robots lifting and object. Credit: Device/Yang and Won et al. Scientists in South Korea have created swarms of tiny magnetic robots that can work together like ants to perform tasks far beyond ...
Boston Dynamics has released a new video of its robots’ impressive capabilities — this time, showing off their dance moves. The new video released by Boston Dynamics shows its Atlas ...
A robot that plays table tennis put Olympian ... “It made no errors and played in a stable manner, so I thought the technology was incredible. I was made to work somewhat hard because I began ...
As a robot vacuum reviewer, pet hair is one of my pet peeves, so evaluating how a robot vacuum performs against it is one of the main characteristics I look for when testing these robots.