The animated show takes stories from the live-action MCU and changes a couple of story details to spin the tales off in drastically different ways. “What If… the Hulk Fought the Mech Avengers?” kicks ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a wealth of options to choose from when it comes to future spinoffs. Agatha All Along‘s triumphant reception in 2024 simultaneously capitalized on WandaVision‘s ...
Pop culture wouldn’t be the same without the Avengers, who’ve made history since their first movie in 2012. The team’s unity left its mark over the course of a decade, and now they’re ready to pass ...
Every time The Hulk has Battled The Avengers' Heroes in What If...? Furthermore, The Avengers as a team had a skirmish with a different version of Hulk (Happy Hogan) in the Season 2 episode "What If..