Norovirus infections may at first feel like a stomach ache, but the CDC warns symptoms can spread to other bodily functions. What you need to know.
Most stomach pains are not anything to worry about ... take painkillers but don’t delay in speaking to a doctor if you have pain here that doesn’t go away," Claire adds. A persistent pain ...
Many of us experience bloating from time to time, often the result of eating too much, but it can signal something far more ...
Common symptoms include: Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the ovary. This can cause slight discomfort around 14 ...
Overindulgence in food during winters often leads to stomachaches. Instead of medications, six natural remedies can help: Ginger reduces bloating and nausea; bananas neutralize stomach acid ...
While a one-off stomach ache can happen, if you have mild, chronic stomach pain, you should see a doctor if the pain is non-debilitating and continues for more than a week or two, Nathoo said.
With plenty of winter viruses spreading in the Chicago area this holiday season, it can be tricky to tell what illness you ...
According to the CDC, during the week of December 5 alone, 91 outbreaks of norovirus were reported, an increase from late ...
If your dog is unable to get comfortable and seems restless, it could be a sign of a stomach ache. They may pace, pant, or have difficulty lying down. This is a sign that they are uncomfortable ...
A norovirus infection is characterized by sudden vomiting and diarrhea. Outbreaks are often seen on cruise ships, in ...
If you get cramps or lower stomach pain and you are not on your period, you need to consider a few things. Firstly, do you have the intrauterine system (IUS) or intrauterine device (IUD)?