In a world where water scarcity looms large, the UK's Armed Forces are gearing up for a future where the battle for resources ...
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, held a high-level meeting to evaluate the military's performance in 2024 and establish key objectives for 2025 ...
Kyiv’s theaters are full, bookshops are booming and crowds throng to concerts. Despite the threat of Russian strikes, ...
Amb. DeTrani: That China and the U.S. realize that there are a myriad of global security issues on which we can and should ...
Bracing for the future, grappling with shipbuilding woes, watching China—and more stories about the sea service.
Military personnel who fire certain powerful weapons may put their brains at risk. Two veterans who had repeated exposure to ...
Viral images on Chinese social media show the sophisticated jets flying at low altitude. Analysts say it could mark a ...
South Korea unveils its advanced Block-I laser weapon, a game-changing defense system that is cost-efficient and highly ...
Assad's ouster, there are questions about the fate of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the U.S.-backed Kurdish coalition that ...
It’s part of a complex effort to avoid selling Liberty Station to the national property management company that leases much ...
The U.S. House Task Force on Artificial Intelligence releases a report with 66 findings and 85 recommendations to safeguard ...