Mozilla 在火狐 Firefox 134 Beta 版本开始,引入了新的安装设置界面,界面提供三个默认开启的选项:固定到任务栏、设为默认浏览器以及导入其他浏览 ...
Mozilla 11 月 28 日发布博文,宣布 Linux 版火狐 Firefox 浏览器的安装包格式,将从 .tar.bz2 升级到 .tar.xz,可以显著提升下载速度和安装效率,并增强和各种 Linux 发行版的兼容性。
近日,Mozilla宣布了一项重要更新,针对Linux用户的Firefox浏览器的安装包格式迎来了重大升级。此次升级将安装包格式从.tar.bz2转换为.tar.xz,旨在提升用户的下载速度和安装效率。这一变化不仅对技术爱好者而言意义重大,也直接关系 ...
用户可以在 Firefox 下载页面获取新的 .tar.xz 格式的 Firefox Nightly 版本,而 Beta 和 Release 频道版本会在未来几周内上线。
There are many ways to try upcoming Firefox features, but most of them involve using a beta version of the browser. For most ...
Mozilla will be lengthening the beta cycle for Firefox 89 according to the FX Trains website, it will see the release pushed back to June 1 as opposed to May 18 when it was supposed to be released.
Also, Firefox 134 Beta brought hardware-accelerated HEVC/H.265 codec support on Windows and several other changes. You can check out full release notes for Firefox 134 Beta here.
BleepingComputer installed the Firefox beta release, and we noticed a new setup screen that helps you customize your browser right after installing it. It highlights that Firefox is backed by a ...