On October 17, 1957, Jordan Overseas Trading Company ordered three Jiefang CA10 trucks from FAW at the Second China Export ...
12月23日,佛山市第二届国际青年人才会议暨季华实验室2024年国际青年人才论坛开幕。开幕式上,季华实验室与新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore University of Technology and ...
Pudong is ramping up its innovation ambitions as it starts construction on 10 major science and technology projects and 40 ...
编者按: 12月22日,2025县域消费预判与投资促进大会在北京成功举办,大会由中国投资协会海外投资联合会主办,以“破解县域消费密码 ...
Caviar,aluxurybrandbasedinDubai,recentlyunveiledaseriesofHuaweismartphonesinspiredbyChinesecultureandhistory.Thecollection,na ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
北京,2024年12月5日 —— 在教育领域面临前所未有的变革之际,由腾讯新闻·教育频道主办的“回响2024”年度论坛在北京盛大举行并圆满落幕。本届论坛围绕“科创融合 ...
by Lu Keyan Chinese startup Sharge has launched its first AI glasses, the AI Glass A1, as competition intensifies in the AI-powered wearables market. The device marks Sharge’s entry into a field alrea ...
Multinational corporations have vowed to deepen cooperation with their Chinese partners and seize the huge opportunities presented by China's sharpened focus on bolstering technological innovation and ...
提起外骨骼,你脑子里最先出现的样子,像是左图还是右图?左图 - 1965年,通用电气首次尝试制造动力外骨骼Hardiman,单臂能举起340千克重物;右图 - ...