Aspiring musician JB swaps his religious family for Venice Beach, where he meets busker KG and resolves to steal a green guitar pick which turns the user into a rock god.
(坎培拉25日讯)澳洲一名女子在澳洲北领地纽伦拜(Nhulunbuy)当地海边散步时,意外拍到一条鲨鱼正在啃食鳄鱼的惊人画面。影片中可看到,鲨鱼靠近鳄鱼后,立刻狠狠咬住其头部,后来更把整只鳄鱼拖入水中,消失在海面上。事件13日发生在纽伦拜当地海滩To ...
随着2025年跨年夜倒计时的开始,迪拜准备在全市范围内举办超过45场炫目的烟花表演,点亮整个天空。以下是跨年烟花秀主要地点的汇总——哈利法塔 Burj Khalifa迪拜相框 Dubai Frame世博城 Expo City朱美拉海滩酒店 ...
Starting from the Winter Solstice, every nine days is counted as a "nine"; after nine nines, or eighty-one days, the winter cold turns into the warmth of spring. Today, there is still a saying among ...