Editor’s note: This is the first of a three-part series on “Hadashi no Gen” (Barefoot Gen), Keiji Nakazawa’s manga series themed on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which began running in ...
Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part series on “Hadashi no Gen” (Barefoot Gen), Keiji Nakazawa’s manga series themed on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which began running in ...
An historical anime: Barefoot Gen tells the story of a boy's struggle to survive the nuclear fallout of the Hiroshima Bombing. Based on real events, Barefoot Gen is a story of courage, survival ...
Antiwar manga series Barefoot Gen debuted in Japan in 1973 and has since been published in two dozen languages. On the 50th anniversary of its launch, the woman who translated it into Russian ...