-- 周五,与奈飞公司热门剧集"鱿鱼游戏"相关的韩国公司股价在该剧新季播出后大幅下跌。"鱿鱼游戏"演员李政宰为第一大股东的电影发行公司Artist United Inc.股价暴跌30%,达到日跌幅上限。同为Artist ...
The Xu Qinsong Art Museum (许钦松美术馆) is set to be completed and opened in Huangpu district next October. It is the first museum in China to be named after Xu Qinsong, a national first-level artist.
《鱿鱼游戏》第二季于12月26日在Netflix平台上发布,相关的韩国概念股表现不佳。以剧集主角李政宰为主要股东的Artist United股价大跌近30%。其他相关公司如Wysiwyg Studios和Dexter ...
26日,据starnews报道,"第九届亚洲艺术家大赏(The 9th Asia Artist Awards)"将于27日晚7时在泰国曼谷举行。        本届AAA的主题是'Love, Peace, ...
12月20日,在广州国际金融中心IFC M层,光头仔「黄金时代」主题画展迎来了Closing day。活动现场,艺术家梁贺和詹瑞文通过轻松惬意的对谈,共同回顾这场为期一个多月的艺术漫游之旅。
Mazu, the goddess who protects sailors, has weathered many storms and witnessed the development and transformation of Macao.
Catarina Cottinelli da Costa, a Portuguese artist who has lived in Macao for over six years, has been enjoying the unique blend of culture of Macao and appreciated the city's preservation efforts.
公告牌介绍称,IU热曲《Love wins ...
At a tranquil village in Fujian Province, an artist residency project has turned a century-old house into a creative hub that thrives on creation, cultural preservation and community.