Gakuen Babysitters, a Shoujo anime with a male protagonist, explores the beauty of family and how it is shaped by loss. The story follows two brothers, Ryuuichi and Kotachi, after they lose their ...
Anime fans had a great year in 2024, and with a plethora of incredible series either debuting or continuing this year, fans got to see many interesting and compelling male characters, old and new.
I am a skilled 3D artist specializing in custom VRChat avatars, creating unique, high-quality designs tailored to each client's vision. With expertise in modeling, texturing, rigging, and animating, I ...
Blizzard has been big on collabs between Overwatch 2 and other brands and while some of them have appealed to more specific audiences, Avatar: The Last Airbender is already shaping up to be the ...
Alongside the Avatar, concept art also reveals her “airbending mentor”, a currently-unnamed young adult male who opts to wear more armored clothing, bears an updated Air Nomad tattoo on his forehead, ...
Here’s how we test products and why you should trust us. Honestly, every new year feels like the best year in anime history. 2025 already promises a new Chainsaw Man film and the exciting debut ...