Saurabh Sachdeva, who starred alongside Ranbir Kapoor in Animal, recently revealed whether he will be returning for the sequel, Animal Park. Check out the details below!
Q: What is the Day 1 Box Office Collection of Manjhi The Mountain Man? A: Manjhi The Mountain Man collected ₹1.4 cr. on Day 1 at the India box office. Q: What were the opening weekend ...
Two men walked into a Fort Lauderdale office building last week. One never came out. The other man, Nenad Milosevic, 56, is now charged with second-degree murder, according to police. Milosevic ...
When the bailiff calls out, “All rise” and District Judge Kurt Krueger walks in, draped in black, he always steps up to his bench, glances quickly over the courtroom, pauses for a few seconds and says ...
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Police arrested a Fort Lauderdale man Thursday after investigators found a missing man’s body inside a business located in an office tower earlier in the week.