The anti-estrogen clomiphene is prohibited at all times in sport and since 2011 a continuous trend in increasing numbers of adverse analytical findings is noted. Recent studies have outlines a ...
WADA, as custodian of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), has the duty to monitor stakeholder activities in relation to the Code and act to ensure the integrity of the Code. WADA oversees and works in ...
WADA’s 42-member Foundation Board is our highest decision-making body. It is composed equally of representatives from the Olympic Movement and Public Authorities. Members are appointed by their ...
La Liste des substances et méthodes interdites (la Liste) énumère les substances et les méthodes interdites en compétition et indique à quel moment elles le sont. Obtenez la version la plus récente de ...
Olivier Niggli est directeur général de l’AMA depuis le 1 er juillet 2016. Précédemment, il a occupé les fonctions de directeur des opérations et avocat général de l'AMA. De 2011 à 2014, M. Niggli ...