The MSC is working with NGOs, governments, retailers and funders around the world to create a pathway to sustainability, especially for small-scale fisheries and fisheries in developing countries. We ...
Each time you go grocery shopping, place an online order, or visit your favorite restaurant, you have the opportunity to vote with your wallet for a healthier ocean for this and future generations.
5 reasons to choose MSC Global demand for sustainable seafood is growing. Create confidence in your products by offering independently verified sustainable seafood that protects our ocean for the ...
Sharks provide a valuable source of protein for many communities around the world. They are important predators that help keep marine ecosystems in balance. This means sharks must be fished ...
Our oceans are home to an amazing variety of life and support the livelihoods of millions - up to 10% of the world's population. Marine ecosystems are under enormous pressure Unsustainable fishing is ...
Home Standards and certification Developing our Standards The Fisheries Standard Review Clarifying best practice for reducing impacts on endangered, threatened and protected species (ETP) Ensuring MSC ...