Narcissists like to get their own way. They’re not interested in what you want. Their goal is to grab as much as they can, whilst giving away as little as… ...
Imagine being stuck in a position where anything you do is wrong. No matter what choice you make. Pretty frustrating, right? Unfortunately, this is what many narcissists do to people. They manipulate ...
Imagine being stuck in a position where anything you do is wrong. No matter what choice you make. Pretty frustrating, right? Unfortunately, this is what many narcissists do to people….
Here’s ten common myths about narcissism… Narcissists Can’t Help Their Bad Behaviours Some people give narcissists a free pass, believing they can’t help how they behave. But this isn’t true….
As you’re probably aware, narcissists are confusing creatures. And a big part is because their actions often don’t match their words. Narcissists may say or imply one thing, but act… ...
Many narcissists have a way of flirting right in front of you. It can be overt, dressed as harmless friendly banter. Or it might be more subtle. Either way, your… ...
Imagine being stuck in a position where anything you do is wrong. No matter what choice you make. Pretty frustrating, right? Unfortunately, this is what many narcissists do to people….
Many people in relationships with narcissists are fooled into thinking they’re being cared for. Often it’s only after the relationship ends that they realise how little the narcissist actually cared….
Soon after my 12 year relationship with a narcissist, I was diagnosed with anxiety. I struggled leaving the house. Going to work was a nightmare. And I was visibly shaky… ...