The Insecticide Resistance Action Group (IRAG) produces guidance on pesticide resistance issues. Hosted by AHDB, this information can be used to help protect crops and the long-term efficacy of ...
The second generation is likely to be present when the accumulated daily air temperatures, above a baseline temperature of 3ºC, reaches T-Sum 170. T-Sum calculations should start either: On the day of ...
Johne's disease, also known as Paratuberculosis, is a chronic, contagious bacterial disease of the intestinal tract that primarily affects sheep and cattle (most commonly seen in dairy cattle) and ...
Our online levy returns portal allows you to submit your statutory levy returns online rather than using a paper-based method. The benefits of this include being able to instantly submit your returns ...
Our encyclopaedia details the major and minor pests and natural enemies commonly associated with cropping rotations. Use it help prevent, detect and control pest populations in field crops, as part of ...
Fluke can occur in a variety of animals and can even be zoonotic and cause disease in man. Fluke infection is estimated to cost the UK agriculture industry about £300 million a year. Liver ...
KPIs are a set of figures that help you manage your farm by showing, at a glance, which areas are performing well and those that need to be reviewed. We’ve simplified the available on-farm measures ...
Educational posters and stickers for the classroom and farm visits Technical publications with practical tips and best practice guides Marketing material to help your business thrive Resource to ...
Welcome to our free, award-winning Meat Education Programme. Designed for butchers, chefs and anybody in between, our practical butchery and theory training modules cover beef, lamb and pork cuts, ...
The most significant single influence on the success of any flock is the shepherd. Whether you intend to keep half a dozen sheep or several hundred, the same principles apply. This guide gives an ...
The electronic Medicine Book for Pigs is a UK-wide service for the collection of data on antibiotic usage in the pig sector and, optionally, the full legal medicine book for your pig holding. The ...
What are cover crops, catch crops and green manures? Cover crops, catch crops and green manures are non-cash crops that provide potential benefits to a rotation. Typically, cover crops are grown over ...