China's local governments issued new bonds worth 4.67 trillion yuan (US$650 billion) in the first 11 months of this year, ...
In November alone, the operating revenue of China's major industrial enterprises has reversed from a 0.2 percent decline in ...
入境游的爆发式反弹是2024年度北京旅游消费的一大亮点 。同程旅行平台数据显示,2024年成功申遗后,“北京中轴线”的关注度快速上升,已成为北京旅游最大的“IP”。其中,天安门广场、故宫、钟鼓楼、天坛等已成为中外游客“打卡”北京的必游景点。
China has tripled the amount of time visitors can spend in the country without a visa in yet another move to entice more ...
“China Travel” 正当时,免签,旅游,travel,china ...
新华社北京12月17日电 题:“China Travel”升级!中国过境免签政策全面放宽优化 外国游客来中国游玩,“玩不够”怎么办?“China Travel”(中国游)新政策来了!