Yazeka is available specifically for Türkiye, drawing its name from the Turkish term ‘Yapay Zeka’ (Artificial Intelligence) ...
Noting that Yandex's return to the Turkish market is not limited to a new search engine technology, Popovskiy said the ...
Russian tech giant Yandex has introduced Yazeka, an AI-powered search engine tailored specifically for the Turkish market, promising transparent an ...
突出的数据让人咋舌:在24小时内,超过16万独立IP地址试图连接BadBox的指挥和控制服务器。而根据BitSight的研究,受影响设备中,约16万台居然是俄罗斯非常流行的Yandex 4K QLED智能电视和海信T963智能手机。这些设备都不是普通的小玩意,它们承载着家庭娱乐和通讯的重任,如今却沦为恶势力的工具,真是让人心惊。
Yandex NV operates as an investment holding company with interest in providing internet search engine services. The company develops search technology and information retrieval services in applied ...
Russian technology giant Yandex has launched an AI-integrated search service developed specifically for Turkish users. With ...
在数字时代瞬息万变的大环境中,应用名称的更改往往伴随着更深层次的战略调整。俄罗斯科技巨头Yandex,近日宣布其安卓系统上的现有应用程序正式更名为“Yandex Start”。这一新鲜事儿很快登上了网络热搜,吸引了无数用户的关注与讨论。
Yandex has launched an artificial intelligence (AI)-integrated search service developed specifically for Turkish users. With ...
Türkiye is moving on the path to becoming a regional technology hub for international investments as more and more foreign ...
The BadBox Android malware botnet has grown to over 192,000 infected devices worldwide despite a recent sinkhole operation ...
12 月 20 日消息,网络安全公司 BitSight 昨日(12 月 19 日)发布博文,BadBox 安卓恶意僵尸网络在德国通过“沉洞”(Sinkhole)阻断之外, 目前正扩散到全球范围,目前已知感染 Yandex 电视和海信智能手机等 ...
BitSight 研究人员通过攻克 BadBox 的一个命令和控制服务器,发现 24 小时内有超过 16 万个独立 IP 地址尝试连接,且该数字还在持续增长。 受感染设备中,约 16 万台是俄罗斯流行的 Yandex 4K QLED 智能电视和海信 ...