Why confine this history to Britain? Why begin with World War II? The answer, I think, is that Riley wants to bring together at least three different modes of understanding British imperialism ...
In competition with one another, they divide up the colonial world in accordance with their relative strengths.'' To Lenin, imperialism is another portion of the capitalist epoch of history that ...
In the 1960s, radicals mobilized ideas from the early twentieth century to reinvent a critique of imperialism ... The World Reimagined: Americans and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century 'This is one ...
People of European descent form the bulk of the population in most of the temperate zones of the world--North America, Australia and New Zealand. The military successes of European imperialism ...
A Visual History of British Imperialism (The Bodleian Library, Oxford; 2011); James Belich, The Settler Revolution and the Rise of the Anglo-world (OUP, 2011); Christian Høgsbjerg , C. L. R. James in ...