The Jujutsu Kaisen manga epilogue focuses on Nobara, as she fulfils Gojo's last wish despite her internal struggles.
However, his Yoko form not only makes him one of the anime characters who look like Satoru Gojo but also even more popular and beloved because it shows his more sadistic and cruel personality.
Jujutsu Kaisen’s new epilogue solves one of the remaining and intriguing mysteries surrounding the legacy of Satoru Gojo.
All the anime characters mentioned above show Yuuichi Nakamura's talent as a successful seiyuu. Nakamura skillfully portrays one of the strongest sorcerers like Gojo in an action-packed shounen ...
The Jujutsu Kaisen manga has released its final volumes where we see Gojo's goofy students in an extra illustration.
The show's too busy with exorcising demons to ... which promptly get sliced up by my anime husband Gojo Satoru. Language: ...
Jujutsu Kaisen’s Satoru Gojo and Dragon Ball’s Goku have both made the list of the most iconic anime characters ever. In both cases, the characters have reached the height of strength and ...
Excited fans of 'My Dress-Up Darling' can look forward to a new season announced for 2025 and a live-action adaptation coming ...
Yuji has officially inherited Gojo's dream, and fans know that he's going to be a phenomenal sorcerer in the future. The world of JJK has changed quite a bit, with the higher-ups of the JJK ...