A whale watching company in San Francisco has had an amazing 2024. After their dog "Bear" went viral and boosted ticket sales ...
A southern resident orca is once again carrying her deceased baby's body through the water. Researchers are concerned about the future of this orca mother and her species.
“It’s a very tragic tour of grief,” Center for Whale Research founder Ken Balcomb told public broadcaster NPR at the time. The centre said the loss of the latest female newborn was “particularly ...
If you’re interested in this fascinating aspect of whale behavior, choose a tour that offers hydrophones so you can listen in. The Baja California Peninsula has seen the birth of 25 thousand gray ...
SAN FRANCISCO - Seven German Shepherd puppies were brought into this world aboard the San Francisco Whale Tours Boat, with the assistance of officers from the San Francisco Police Department's ...
The law aims to protect southern resident orcas from noise caused by all boat traffic that could affect their likelihood of hunting prey such as Chinook salmon.
Jersey Shore Whale Watching Tours in Belmar launched its inaugural Drone Spotting Tour Thursday night. The idea came after a captain said he saw what appeared to be lights flying over Island Beach ...
Orca J35 made world headlines in 2018 when she carried her dead baby on her nose for 17 days. Her apparent 1,000-mile tour of ...