Chinese scientists say they have discovered the genetic mutation behind brown-and-white giant pandas, a rare variant of the ...
Ya Ya - pictured in 2020 - has a condition that makes her fur look thin and patchy, Memphis Zoo has said Millions of Chinese people have a watched a US zoo say goodbye to a giant panda ahead of ...
都说春困秋乏夏打盹,进入十二月,天气越来越冷,很多动物都开始“冬眠”,那大熊猫会冬眠吗?It's often said that we feelsluggish in spring, tired in autumn, and take naps in ...
say researchers in China Chinese red pandas have redder fur and striped tail rings, while Himalayan pandas have whiter faces. Lead researcher Yibo Hu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing ...
Panda', probably of Tibetan origin, was first applied to the red panda. Say it now and it's taken to mean the black-and-white ...
Asia is home to some of the world's rarest and most unique animals, found in its diverse ecosystems ranging from mountains ...
The Scarlet Macaw is a brightly colored parrot, known for its red, blue, and yellow feathers. The red panda is a small, ...
Ngong Ping 360 cable car hosts pop-up, but some visitors say more promotion, merchandise and events needed to play up panda ...