The following inventions are among the most useful improvements lately patented ... removable for the purpose of being renewed with a new set of teeth when the teeth are worn out, or for ...
so National Geographic asked Hayden to list what she considers 10 of the most meaningful advances in history—the inventions and innovations responsible for the trappings of modern life.
"But barcodes were this invention that allowed for much faster ... but it ushered in a new moral panic surrounding eugenics and 'designer' babies being just around the corner for humanity.
And in recent decades, certain inventions have especially helped the world connect and fundamentally changed all aspects of our personal and work lives. Further inventions made life safer and better.
The object of this invention is to obtain wool ... A clipper built at St. Johns, New Found-land, named the "Star of the East," was recently, sold in London for $80,000. The colonial built ships ...
It was most recently repeated at China's National ... drawn on this to promote these technologies as China's "four new great inventions" in modern times. The term "four new inventions" harks ...
The inventions of Dr S.J.B Lenadora and Dinesh Katugampala were honoured at the recent ‘Inventions Geneva’ Exhibition ... of inventions in Geneva has been held annually for the past 40 years and ...