Adam Hilger, I have obtained mass-spectra of mercury of an intensity greater ... The first is certainly due to a new isotope. The chance that the second is a hydride of the strong line 202 is ...
Utilizing Hg stable isotopes to reliably trace the origin of Hg in the geologic record has been reported in a number of studies. Mercury isotope records of Hg enrichments for volcanic origin ...
An international team of scientists led by the ESRF, the European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France, has found that emperor ...
An international team of scientists led by the ESRF, the European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France, has found that emperor ...
Mercury, the parabola of which was used as a standard "of mass in the earlier experiments, now proves to be a mixture of at least three or four isotopes grouped in the region corresponding to 200.