Creatures "in demand" by exotic pet traders, such as marmosets, Capuchin monkeys, and Hyacinth macaws, are taken from their homes in the wild and transported, often kept in tiny cages to make it ...
Hanging whole fruits, such as bananas or oranges, in the cage, providing that initially a small piece of rind is stripped off, will enable the marmosets to feed naturally. Another simple device, ...
The common marmoset may be small enough to fit in the palm of a hand, but the diminutive stature of these monkeys belies their enormous significance in unraveling the intricate mysteries of human ...
In addition to habitat destruction, marmosets like this one are often victims of international and illegal pet trading ...
Marmosets use personalized calls to address others, suggesting advanced communication skills and potential precursors to human language.
Marmoset "TikTok" was being kept in a bird cage as a pet A baby monkey which was kept in a bird cage "living a miserable life" as a pet has been rehomed at a rescue centre. The RSPCA said the ...
"Exotic animals such as marmosets do not make good pets and require specialist care to maintain their overall health and well-being," he explained. "When we received the call from New Arc ...